Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blog #4 Refusing Patrick Henry

Mr. President: In a refutable but in a respectful manner of what Mr. Henry said  in his previous speech, we the British have no problem for them trying to fight against us for their “freedom”, they really know that there is no freedom to be gained because no colonist has his own freedom to display. The real truth here is that the colonists relay on us and even though they don´t want to accept it and they thinking that we are taking their freedom, it is not true. How do they think they are going to live your lives without us, without our power and our government controlling them? There is no war to be held and their should be a reconciliation among us, bringing us together to work this out together because we are not here to oppress the colonists, we just want to help them; are we the ones who want to continue with this temporarily war? The colonist should trust on us, and believe their petitions will somehow be made. Our ministry will give them the hope they ask for so they do not say more of it. We are not going to try to oppress them anymore and we will not consider them our enemies, and we know a war has been coming between us but don´t we want to stop it as well? We will free them out of the chains of liberty they say we have held them from but we won´t also free them from the union we both should take. We are listening and we will listen to their arguments and to every opposition they make to us. Is it time for both to change? We recognize the mistakes we have made in the past and we understand them feeling oppressed but none of this will continue happening. War is not the solution for the colonists, because a war being held will be in favor for us and there is no way this problem between us is going to stop and don´t you think all of us including you sir with al respect, are tired of this too, even though we shut our mouths? Sir, I want you to understand that being in the position which the colonists are is of becoming reckless and of no hope but to become wild and create war, do we want ten more years of it? It is not of a human being treating another as a slave and letting it supplicate for freedom, we are all the same, is their a better way to understand this? We should stop this sir, stop the conflict and forgive each other and forget of the idea of creating this war. The colonists are as strong as us, and we united will be the best partners because of all this time dealing with each other. For the colonists, if they accept my solutions for this conflict, we both will sacrifice the same things; we will unite the same way with everyone, have the same respect with everyone among us and forgive each other for everything to live in an equal place for every one among us.

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